Teaching Aims
Everything we do at Hopscotch has an outcome that is in line with the curriculum we are required to follow, The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
The curriculum ensures that we are providing an invisible scaffolding around your child, enabling them to establish and then build on their independence. This will help them make choices and express interests, and this is what we base our day around. With all this in mind, we hope that your child will want to take part in all learning opportunities available to them. These fun and exciting opportunities will be provided by your child's key person and the team around them.
The EYFS allows us to follow and measure your child's development, enabling us to support your child within specific areas of need. This, and any other relevant information such as achievements, interests and behavioural difficulties, will always be communicated with you either through talking with your key person, your child's communication book, or parents’ evening.
We select our team very carefully, ensuring we all have the same approach to caring for our children, insisting they get the most out of their Hopscotch day and thrive through the early days of their life.
We respect parents as a child's first educator, so everything your child has taken part in will be evidenced in your child's scrapbook which is located in their tray. You can look through this at any time and eventually you will take this home when your child goes to 'big' school!