Hopscotch Ofsted report
‘Staff morale is high. They work well as a team and speak respectfully to each other. These positive interactions help children to learn about how to interact with their peers.’
Hopscotch Nursery and Preschool in Bath last had a visit from Ofsted on the 8th November 2022. We were inspected for the day and received lovely feedback from the inspector who was pleased with our level of care, as she commented, ‘Children are happy in this friendly nursery. They are eager to enter the nursery and are pleased to see the welcoming staff. They confidently approach visitors and involve them in their play. This demonstrates that children feel secure, safe and at home in the familiar surroundings.’
We received positive feedback with regards to our staff, as well as how well behaved all our children are, as the inspector observed: ‘Children know the behaviour that is expected of them, and they behave well. They learn to speak respectfully to each other, take turns and be kind to their friends.’ Fortunately we have such brilliant children who helped us achieve our outcome as the inspector commented: ‘Children have a positive attitude to their learning and excitedly engage in the wide variety of activities available to them.’ We owe this to the dedication from all our staff members who work hard to ensure children are happy within our care, as the inspector noted, ‘The managers and staff implement a curriculum that is exciting and promotes children's interests. Staff provide opportunities for children to be curious and explore.’ She also noted: ‘The managers are knowledgeable and passionate about the nursery. They value all staff and carry out supervisions and observations to help them improve their practice. Staff access training to enhance their knowledge and further support children's learning. They share their excitement to attend future training that will focus on supporting children's self-regulation and how this will help them improve their practice.’
She observed us throughout the day, watching all the girls work hard as they care for the children and provide stimulating activities to help them learn. The inspector commented, ‘Staff offer praise, encouragement and reassurance as children play, and they provide gentle reminders about taking turns and sharing. Any slight disputes are managed well. Staff get down to the children's level and talk calmly as they reinforce turn-taking with their friends.’
‘Children's independence is encouraged’, showing our strong efforts to help children learn and develop whilst in our care, as well as most importantly have fun!
All quotes are taken from our Ofsted report, which you can find on our Hopscotch notice board and online if you wish to read it in more depth: