The Nursery is set over one floor including the car park. You will enter through the garden which provides a range of areas for the children to explore such as a climbing wall and a raised decked area where children can take part in an activity of their choosing.

When coming inside you enter through the large double doors into an open plan room which is the heart of the nursery. This is where the children can explore the range of toys and activities available to them. We aim to make this space as home from home as possible. Most members of the team hold a Level 3 qualification or above, or are working towards this and we all hold a first aid certificate. We have a small team of 9 and we aim to ensure we have good partnerships with our parents, helping to ensure good development for the children.

Our Ethos

  • Most importantly we provide a home from home which is caring, nurturing and safe. Enabling children to play, learn and grow happily and securely.

  • Our environment allows the children to make choices, explore things of interest, be imaginative, creative and learn actively.

  • We encourage every child's learning by providing a well-balanced and stimulating range of adult – led and child led activities. These are all planned around the children’s interests. These experiences allow individuals to progress at their own pace and reach their full potential whilst having fun in a comfortable environment.

  • We believe particular attention should be paid to the child's personal, social and emotional skills. Self-confidence is encouraged enabling the children to form positive relationships with their peers, make choices and explore the environment.

  • We respect parents and carers as the child's first educator. We ensure they are involved in Nursery life.

  • Practitioners build trusting and secure relationships with their key families.

  • The core belief of the team is honesty, we are always honest with each other, the children, the parents and any other associates that we work with.

When your child starts at Hopscotch we offer a child centred approach to settling. Meaning we take our time in ensuring your child feels comfortable, safe and secure before starting with us full time. If your child is under the age of three, they will receive a home communication book on their first settling. This will be used every time your child attends and will be written in by your child’s key person allowing you to know what their day has involved. It your child is three or above, we believe in good communication between the staff and parents and will always have a chat, explaining how your child's day has been. We ask you to provide us with as much information as possible, (through completing our 'All about me' forms), creating a detailed profile of your child. This allows us to make the transition from home to nursery as smooth as possible. Additionally this will give us an idea of where they are in their development and if we will need to liaise with any external agencies.

Once we have the basics in place we can start following your child’s interests and use these to create exciting activities that will enhance their development further. Your child’s key person will use their knowledge and experience to highlight any areas in which they may need any additional support and put in place next steps if and when relevant.

We encourage parents to be as involved as they can be in their child’s development. We provide continuous information around the nursery and in your child’s tray. We also host two parents evenings a year, allowing time to discuss achievements, next steps and any questions you may have. Of course with all of this, a member of our team is always on hand to help with any additional support you need.