Trips to the local community
We regularly plan trips for the children to support the local community, and learn about their world around them!
These include trips to the local Churches during festive times, including the Bath Abbey where we’ve occasionally caught some carol singers practicing for their carol service!
We also visit the local Church Café when learning about money, and encourage the children to buy their own snack!
The Pre-schoolers’ will occasionally catch a bus into town to visit the Bath Library!
Sometimes we’ll take some children to Baskervilles Gym for some physical activities!
We visit local parks to play on the apparatus and learn about road safety on our walks down. We’ll also have a look at the allotments and help water the plants – we even made a scarecrow!!
We love to plan exciting activities, such as "A bear hunt" in the park trees, or an Easter egg hunt after the Easter Bunny visited the park!!
We love to explore our natural environment in all weather conditions!!